In 1998, a week after severe flooding had destroyed many homes along the river Krishna and more than 100 people had drowned in the raging waters, Jay Rittker visited Vijayawada to explore Omega's involvement in that city.
Our plan was to establish an orphanage, but emergency relief for the flood victims was more urgent. Food, blankets and clothing were distributed to the people along the river. However, the care for orphaned and abandoned children was still the main purpose for Omega's mission in Vijayawada.
After sponsoring children in three different orphanages in that area, Omega currently supports the 'Omega Boys Home' in Vijayawada. 24 boys currently live at this home.
It is heartbreaking to hear the boy's stories of neglect and rejection, but we are glad that we are able to provide a safe home for the boys where they are raised by loving and caring house parents.
It reminds us of the scripture, which says, that "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." (James 1:27 NIV)
A few boys playing outside the home
Boys waiting for ride to school
Boys loaded up to go to school
Doing homework
Preparing home for Sunday service
Boys helping with food distribution to the poor and needy